苏葆桢(1916.5—1990.6),江苏省宿迁县南蔡乡埠子镇苏圩村人。西南师范大学教授(现西南大学), 硕士生导师 , 原重庆国画院副院长。其父系清末秀才,开办私塾教书,喜书画。葆桢自幼受其父熏陶,以善画闻名于乡里。1936年毕业于江苏省立宿迁玻璃科职业学校(原省立宿迁中学玻璃职业班,即今江苏省宿迁中学)高职班。
1939年考入设于重庆沙坪坝的中央大学艺术系,获得艺术大师徐悲鸿、张书旂、傅抱石、陈之佛、吴作人等的教诲。1944年毕业于中央大学艺术系 。学生时代即开始创作,并举办个人画展,作品荣1941年全国美术作品展览青年画家一等奖 ,并获青年作家奖金 。1944年任江苏正则艺术专科学校讲师,1946年任四川江津窑业学校美术教师兼教务主任 。1949年后,历任重庆市北碚新中国艺专校长,重庆女子师范学院附中美术教师,
1956年起在西南师范学院(现为西南大学)任教授,硕士生导师,重庆国画院副院长 。中国美术家协会会员,曾当选美协四川分会理事,省工艺美术学会副理事长,重庆市文联委员 。1980年后,苏葆桢在重庆、成都、南京等地举办个人画展,并多次参加全国美展和国际画展。作品流传遍及亚、非、欧、美的许多国家。
A Brief Introduction to the Life of the Chinese Artist Su Baozhen
Su Baozhen (1916-1990) was born in Suqian County of Jiangsu Province. He was a senior professor of Southwest China Normal University (the present Southwest China University), a supervisor of graduate students, and the vice president of the Chongqing Academy of Traditional Chinese Painting. Su’s father, a scholar of the Qing Dynasty, ran a private school of his own, and took a great interest in painting and calligraphy. Baozhen grew up under the nurture and influence of his father, and enjoyed an early reputation for his painting skill in his hometown. In 1936, Su was graduated from the Suqian Glass Technical School of Jiangsu Province (The once province-run vocational school is the present Suqian Middle School).
1939 witnessed Su’s admission into the Arts Department of the Central University, which was located in Sha Pingba District of Chongqing, where he was a student of well-known artists like Xu Beihong, Zhang Shuqi, Fu Baoshi, Chen Zhifo, Wu Zuoren etc. Su was graduated from the university in 1939. Su began to produce works of art as early as the beginning of his college education, and had held individual art exhibitions now and then. His art works won for him the first prize of young artists in the national art show of 1941, and he also got the gold medal for young writers of that year. The year 1944 saw Su working as a lecturer of the Zhengze Art School of Jiangsu Province. He went to Chongqing in 1946, teaching fine arts in the Jiangjing Ceramics School, in which he was also the director of teaching affairs. From 1949 on, Su had served first as the president of the New China Art College in Beibei District of Chongqing, and then as a teacher of fine arts in the Attached Middle School of Chongqing Women’s College.
In 1956, Su was made professor of Southwest China Teachers College (the present Southwest China University), working as supervisor of graduate students majoring in fine arts; meanwhile he was promoted as the vice president of the Chongqing Academy of Traditional Chinese Painting. Su was a member of the Chinese Artists Association, and was once elected as the director of the Sichuan Branch of the Association. Su was also the vice president of the Sichuan Arts and Crafts Society, and a member of the Chongqing Federation of Literary and Art Circles. Starting from 1980, Su had held individual art exhibitions in Chongqing, Chengdu, Nanjing and other places, as well as taking an active part in many domestic and international art shows. Su’s art works have enjoyed a great popularity and success in many countries of Asia, Africa, Europe, and America.